Maximizing Learning Transfer

It is a fact that organizations are spending billions of dollars annually on their learning and development (L&D) activities. Paired with this fact, is the belief that no more 20% of this investment results in the transfer of the new skills and knowledge back to the job. Current research in neuroscience (Neuroscience Part 1: What […]

Getting Certified with FKA

FKA is the recognized leader in Trainer Certification. We have helped over 80,000 learning and performance professionals attain meaningful certification in their industry. You can earn these premier credentials in several ways.

Adult Learning Principles: Incorporating them into the Traditional Classroom

Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Adult Learning Principles are the actions and conditions that support, enhance and promote learning for adults. FKA has identified ten adult learning principles specific to instructors/facilitators that ensure learning happens. In this blog we will focus on how to incorporate adult learning principles in the traditional classroom.