Performance Coaching: Part 2

In an earlier blog, we discussed the importance of Performance Coaching as a talent development strategy, demonstrating commitment to develop and support individuals. Performance Coaching harnesses the value of internal employee resources to develop others, which in turn saves time, money and increases overall employee engagement and retention.
Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching has become an important tool and key capability in supporting a high- performance oriented culture in many organizations. Effective and timely, it can make the development and implementation of a business strategy more successful. This is especially successful in an environment that is fast-paced, competitive and uncertain.
Writing Effective Objectives: Part 2

In an earlier blog, we discussed the fundamentals of objectives, specifically: why create objectives and what makes objectives effective. We described an objective as a clear statement of what we expect the learners to be able to do by the end of the learning program. We defined effective objectives as being specific, measurable and learner-centered.
Creating Effective Objectives: Part 1

I recently reviewed an article written by Michael Dalmaridis, Manager of Learning and Development at Meridian, that focused on, “The word you should never use in Learning Objectives……Understand!”