Making Technical Support Reps More Effective in the Selling Process

As a leader in workplace learning and performance, FKA has worked in many industry sectors. One common challenge, whether it’s in technology, health services, pharmaceuticals, financial services or manufacturing, is the effective utilization of technical support resources in both pre- and post-sales activities.

How to Use Instructor Competencies

In an earlier blog we discussed what are the Instructor Competencies for face-to-face, online and blended settings. In this blog, we’ll identify the uses of instructor competencies in terms of how they can improve instruction and enhance learning and performance.

What are the Instructor Competencies for Face-to-Face, Online, and Blended Settings?

*** Content in this post is outdated as IBSTPI has made changes. Please see our updated post*** What does it take to be a competent instructor? That question has been asked a multitude of times and today’s perspective takes into consideration the face-to-face environments that most instructors and facilitators know (the physical classroom and on-the-job […]

How to Engage Learners

Do you need to improve the effectiveness of your instructor’s ability to transfer skill and knowledge in the physical, virtual, or on-the-job learning environments?  Does the delivery of your training programs lack engagement and motivation? Do your learners get tired of the same presentation or application methods? If the answer is yes, here are 10 […]

Consulting Roles for L&D – Part Two

In our previous blog, Consulting Roles for L&D Part One, we identified that to successfully focus on performance, L&D must be redesigned so that it’s goal is to enhance human performance in support of business goals. In doing so, L&D professionals act as performance consultants in their organizations. But transitioning to a performance consultant from […]

Consulting Roles for L&D – Part One

The Learning and Development profession continues to undergo major structural changes, one of which is the transition from a focus on learning as an output and toward a focus on performance improvement.

How to Sustain Learning

According to the latest State of the Industry Report by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), organizations spent $1,273 per employee on direct learning expenditure. Paired with this fact is the belief that no more than 20% of this investment results in the transfer of the new skills and knowledge back to the job. If […]

How to Train Learners Whose First Language is Not English: Part 2

Part of the richness for many organizations today is the variety of languages and cultures that are represented in their business. Cultural sensitivity and the competence to deal with such differences are important skills for L&D professionals. More than ever, language and cultural differences are influencing how workplace learning programs are designed and delivered to […]

How to Train Learners Whose First Language is Not English: Part 1

In today’s global society, many learners are facing the challenge of participating in training programs delivered in English, which is not the language that they speak.   Since most of these learners have not been introduced to the vocabulary and concepts of English, comprehending the new content and learning may become problematic for them. A […]

HR as Strategic Business Partners

In most organizations today, the Human Resource (HR) professional works in a highly matrixed environment, often with multiple decision-makers and stakeholders. They meet the needs and challenges of the business, with HR roles that are highly specialized, and provide expertise in such key areas as:

Delivering Powerful Presentations

We recognize that delivering powerful presentations has become a prime communication tool in business today. We also have personally experienced many presentations that are not done well.

Creating Winning Presentations

You’ve been voluntold by your manager to make a presentation at an upcoming technical conference. “Why me?” you ask. “Well that’s easy, you are the subject matter expert (SME) in this area”. You both agree about being the subject matter expert and so off you go to pull together your presentation. Here are some considerations […]

Making Technical Support Reps More Effective in the Selling Process

As a leader in workplace learning and performance, FKA has worked in many industry sectors. One common challenge, whether it’s in technology, health services, pharmaceuticals, financial services or manufacturing, is the effective utilization of technical support resources in both pre- and post-sales activities.

Performance Coaching: Part 3

In this final blog on Performance Coaching, we will continue to review the Performance Coaching Model introduced in our last two blogs, specifically looking at feedback.

Performance Coaching: Part 2

In an earlier blog, we discussed the importance of Performance Coaching as a talent development strategy, demonstrating commitment to develop and support individuals. Performance Coaching harnesses the value of internal employee resources to develop others, which in turn saves time, money and increases overall employee engagement and retention.

Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching has become an important tool and key capability in supporting a high- performance oriented culture in many organizations. Effective and timely, it can make the development and implementation of a business strategy more successful. This is  especially successful in an environment that is fast-paced, competitive and uncertain.

Writing Effective Objectives: Part 2

In an earlier blog, we discussed the fundamentals of objectives, specifically: why create objectives and what makes objectives effective. We described an objective as a clear statement of what we expect the learners to be able to do by the end of the learning program. We defined effective objectives as being specific, measurable and learner-centered.

Creating Effective Objectives: Part 1

I recently reviewed an article written by Michael Dalmaridis, Manager of Learning and Development at Meridian, that focused on, “The word you should never use in Learning Objectives……Understand!”

Using Voice to Maximize Learning

How you say something can be as important as what you say. This is true for face-to-face instructors, but it is critical in the virtual environment.