eLearning Game Development Workflow Part 1

Why do we Need a Game Development Workflow?

As the use of games as a method of instruction increases the need for a clear development workflow increases. A game development workflow is an extension of the instructional systems design (ISD) workflow. Using FKA’s ISD methodology as the framework the decision to include a game as a presentation or application method is made in the Design phase.

Game Development Workflow

High Level Workflow

There is a four-step workflow the specifies how to develop an eLearning game. The first three steps are part of the Design Phase; the fourth step—build the game—happens in the Development Phase.

1. Identify the Content

For an instructional designer or course developer, the first step in the workflow is to identify the learning content that will be used in developing the game. Consider what value games provide to the learning experience. A well-designed game:

  • is engaging and motivates the learner to participate
  • provides a high-level of interactivity
  • is fun for the learner
  • offers variety to traditional instructional methods

All these benefits mean leaners will pay attention longer and remember more.

With these benefits in mind, the starting point is looking for content that is essential to job success but may be boring for the learners and contains little inherent motivation. What comes to mind are regulations, policies, directives, etc. It is the kind of content that is typically presented with bulleted PowerPoint slides followed by some questions.

The second factor for selecting appropriate content for games is the desired level of learning. It must be achievable with a game. The learning objectives identify the cognitive level of processing to be attained by the end of the learning program. Bloom’s revised taxonomy provides a framework for establishing the level it is targeted.

If you plan to use some form of a quiz show game that is based on a question pool, then you must be prepared to write those questions at a level that aligns with your targeted learning level.

Check back next week for part 2 of this 3-part series.

Jim Sweezie
VP Research and Product Development
