Maximizing Adult Learning Program Overview
All learning organizations are continuously challenged to do more with less. This interactive program will demonstrate how to maximize adult learning while minimizing wasted time – yours and the learners’! Go beyond designing PowerPoint and learn how to incorporate a variety of activities that keep learners engaged, motivated, and having an enjoyable learning experience.
“Great content and something I can definitely apply to my job and feel it is extremely beneficial to my professional development. The instructor did a great job leading and engaging the group.”
Allied Solutions
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No programs scheduled at this time. Please contact FKA to have us deliver a customized or off-the-shelf virtual program, or take advantage of our One-on-One Coached Learning Services. Coached Learning is available on any topic area covered in our programs. Call us at 1-800-FKA-5585.
Who Should Attend the Maximizing Adult Learning Program?
- Managers, supervisors, key performers charged with overseeing and/or developing training materials and who have little or no direct experience with instructional design.
- Engage in group activities with your peers as you learn about the actions that support, enhance, and promote learning.
- Complete an instrument to determine your personal learning style.
- Identify the presentation methods most suited to the different learning styles.
- Consider the stages of learning and their implications for training transfer.
- Experience a variety of ways to test for understanding and provide meaningful practice that increase retention.
- Take home easy-to-use frameworks and checklists to guide the design and delivery of learning programs guaranteed to maximize adult learning.
- Receive Complimentary Post-Learning Sustainment.
- Describe the phases of an instructional design project
- Apply principles of adult learning to course design
- Use the Systematic Learning Process to ensure learner success
- Plan motivational strategies that encourage adults to learn
- Select presentation methods that address learners’ preferred learning styles
- Design higher level questions to test for understanding and improve retention
- Encourage retention and transfer of learning through a variety of application methods
- Plan activities that let adults share their wealth of knowledge and experience
- Incorporate fun into the learning program
- Enhance the connections with learners through language choices
- The FKA Instructional Systems Design Methodology
- Adult Learning Principles
- What Adult Learners Like
- What Adult Learners Dislike
- Systematic Learning Process
- Presentation
- Application
- Feedback
- Ratios
- Instructional Process
- Keeping Learners Engaged
- Initial Motivation
- Ongoing Motivation (VIVE)
- Learning Styles
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic/Tactile
- Presentation Methods
- Testing for Understanding (TFU)
- Creating TFU Questions
- Higher Level TFUs
- Stages of Learning
- Application Methods
- Games
- Icebreakers
- Learning Games
- Closers
- Adult Learning Principles and Design Considerations
- Systematic Learning Process (Details and Checklist)
- Presentation Methods (Details and Selection Matrix)
- Perceptual Learning Styles
- Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Processing (Revised)
- List of Action Verbs
- Four Stages of Learning
- Application Methods (Details and Selection Matrix)
- Game Template
- List of 37 Learning Games
- Call 1-800-FKA -5585 to schedule this program available online or 1 day at your location